
It’s been a while since we updated the blog so no better time like the present whilst in Lockdown!

Fortunately as we can all work remotely there’s been plenty of DFC activity over the last month. Eve, who takes care of our sales and marketing is currently in London but is still beavering away with social media updates. We are still attracting a lot of online orders. In fact I’d go as far as to say sales are up due to folk not being able to shop in person. All our products are still available online and we continue to dispatch locally and internationally. Our local post office has remained open throughout and we are forever in their debt for the tireless work they do in these difficult times.

Before Lockdown we released our latest product, the Universal mug with Adrian’s famous Glasgow Skyline wrapped around it. A lovely reminder of the beautiful architecture we have in Glasgow!

As we aren’t allowed to travel around the country at our will at the moment we thought we’d show you a selection of paintings taken from Adrian’s solo exhibition entitled Coast to Coast. The exhibition took place in 2008 in the Annan Gallery and consisted of a series of Scottish coastal vistas and fishing port watercolours. Hopefully we’ll be able to visit again soon but in the meantime we hope these provide some light relief!

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