In August Adrian and Dead Famous Cities will be co exhibiting at The Kelvingrove Art Galleries. The exhibition will run from August 1st until October 31st and will showcase both our own collection of products and designs as well as Adrian’s varied and plentiful treasure chest of commercial and private work over the last 20 years. More details to follow but in the meantime enjoy, In this year of Architecture, some of Adrian’s classic Glasgow paintings of recent times. All of his prints can be purchased here –
We are currently working with Singl-end (our shop hosts) to refresh the frontage of the deli with a montage of Adrian’s illustrations of Garnethill. We hope to launch this at a reception in the deli in June. Watch this space…
Dead Famous Cities are delighted to welcome our first jeweller, Ruth Morrison to our family of designers. Ruth has spent years collecting samples of both old and new cuts of Harris Tweed and incorporates this hard wearing, world famous fabric into her designs, making her work truly original. Aside from using Harris Tweed in her designs, she also takes influence from the shapes, colours and textures of the landscapes of her home to create jewellery that while elegant and contemporary also has an elemental feel to it.
The designs are created using precious metal with textures added using different techniques. Ruth recently won “Best Newcomer Designer” at the Scottish Variety Awards and is currently working on an entirely new collection for us. Her work will be featured at The Kelvingrove Art Galleries as well as having a permanent home in Singl-end. In the meantime you can view and buy her work online here –